Strong Man thrives on winning. Being at the top of our game and recognized by our clients as an industry leader means something to us. Quality products, fire retardant testing and exceptional service are the three winning elements from which we never waver.
Winning Element #1:
Our products are the best. That’s not bragging; it’s fact. Whereas others may cut corners to save a buck or two, all Strong Man products are built to last.
Winning Element #2:
We believe in tests. Most companies in this industry will test a fire retardant product once and call it a day, but Strong Man tests every container of material. If it is a fire retardant product, you can rest assured that Strong Man has a test report from an independent lab to back it up. That is Strong Man quality and reliability, and our commitment to our customers to do the right thing.
Winning Element #3:
Anyone can take an order for construction materials, but we take it a step further. We make sure our employees are trained to provide clients in any situation with the best information possible. We also know that when clients order from Strong Man, they need those products as soon as possible. Our policy of shipping stock orders received prior to 2PM ensures that clients rest easy when an order is placed, knowing it’s shipped that day.
We partner with clients who like to win as much as we do. Let Strong Man take you to the top of your game.