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Why Orange?

At Strong Man, our most popular nettings are orange. Why?

Take a walk down the street. What catches your eye? Probably not the things you pass everyday like trees and sidewalks or even buildings. But it’s hard to walk past a construction site and not at least give it a glance. And every construction site has one thing in common: the color orange.

Orange is eye-catching. Most construction materials are grey and black and the surrounding environment is green and brown. Orange stands out and warns people to be on alert. Orange on road signs is a notice to drive cautious. Seeing orange on the walls of hotels and offices is a signal to avoid something. No matter what the situation, orange is the color that keeps people safe.

We do our best to ensure the safety of workers and the people surrounding our sites. The netting does the dirty work. The orange is a reminder to everyone around our sites to keep their distance and stay safe.