No doubt you’ve reached for something and felt a zap at your fingers before. That little shock you created is from an electrostatic discharge, or static electricity.
Static electricity is caused by triboelectrification, a process in which electrons move back forth between atoms. Humans can create static charges of up to 12,000 volts by simply walking across a rug. That may sound like a lot, but static voltage is not life-threatening. We can’t even detect a static discharge unless it’s at 1500 volts. So, while you may feel a little pop or even see a spark, you’ve got nothing to worry about. Your electronics and equipment on the other hand? That’s a different story.
Most electronic and internal computer parts are highly susceptible to damage from electrostatic discharge. Microchips are particularly vulnerable and can be damaged by static electricity as low as 10 volts. The human body is capable of storing between 500 and 2500 volts during the normal workday and just a simple touch can set off that charge, making the chances of damaging internal computer parts highly likely.
When storing electronics with integrated circuits, or working in a jobsite with volatile materials such as papers, powders, or flammable liquids, you’ll need electrostatic protection. Strongman’s specialized non-reinforced anti-static sheeting is perfect for shielding equipment that could be potentially damaged by static electricity. Though it was originally designed for the telecommunications industry, the sheeting is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use and can cover a variety of surfaces and is ideal for creating an enclosure for projects where susceptible equipment or volatile materials are located. It’s particularly useful for protecting equipment during hospital renovations, school repairs, and installations. The anti-static material also prevents dust and dirt from collecting making it perfect for construction sites. And since the sheeting is fire-retardant, it also conforms to regulations dated October 1, 2001, Section B, TP 76300MP 1.2.7: “All combustible materials stored overnight in the equipment area shall be completely covered with free fire retardant tarp that meets the NFPA 701 or UL214 and is clearly marked as such.”
Don’t let your electronics get ruined during a renovation or installation. Keep your equipment and your sanity safe with Strongman’s Anti-Static Poly sheeting.