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Check Under Our Hood

When you want to know the value of a car, you don’t look at the color of the paint. You check under the hood and find out what’s going on inside. The same applies to debris netting. You have to look inside to judge quality.


Not all debris netting is created equal. Most companies will list only the roll weight of their netting. Roll weight is just a fancy way of saying the product’s weight based on the heaviest point in the material. Strong Man doesn’t allow that to happen. When we weigh our products, you can be sure if it’s 105 grams in the hem, it’s 105 grams everywhere.


Our number one concern is safety. When it comes to safety products, the way it is fabricated matters. The better the fabrication and the more even the distribution, the safer it is. All of our debris netting is made the same way—the strong way. No matter what you’re building, Strong Man debris netting will keep you safe.


Go ahead, check under our hood.